“Now is the time to mobilize the global business community as never before. The case is clear. Realizing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) will improve the environment for doing business and building markets. Trillions of dollars in public and private funds are to be redirected towards the SDG’s, creating huge opportunities for responsible companies to deliver solutions.” UN Secretary General – Ban Ki Moon.
The SDGs came into force for the 193 UN Member States in January 2016, and 2018 was a great time to reflect on progress towards these ambitious targets.
- Are we making enough progress?
- Are the goals really achievable?
- How are companies implementing the goals?
- How can we accelerate the pace?

DGDW 2018 addressed these and more questions and provided real-world examples of companies creating value for all stakeholders, in a sustainable way. The Conference featured organizations at the intersection of profit and sustainability to demonstrate the opportunities for responsible organizations. Keynote speakers and Speaking Panels were structured around specific SDG’s allowing very different organizations to engage each other and the audience on their common mission. Featuring:
- IBRAHIM N. AL-ZU’BI: Head of Sustainability Majid Al Futtaim Holding
- MARCOS NETO: Director UNDP Istanbul International Center for Private Sector in Development (IICPSD)
- TONY MILIKIN: Global Chief Procurement & Sustainability Officer AB InBev
- SONAL SHAH: Executive Director Beeck Center for Social Impact & Innovation at Georgetown University
- SDG’s in Practice
- Investing for a Sustainable Future
- Responsible Value Chain Consumer Goods and Energy
- Design for Social and Sustainable Impact
- Promoting Good Health by Preventing Chronic Disease
- Sustainable Cities & Communities
- Empowering the Next Generation of Social Entrepreneurs